Monday, May 14, 2012

Two weeks after after my shower, Liam decided to make his entrance into the world. The first due date I was given was the 19th of May and that is the one I was going by because it made the gestation exactly 40 weeks. Then after Liam was confirmed a boy, the hospital gave me May 16th, but when I was admitted, they had May 11th on record... not sure where that date came from! :)

On the morning of Friday, April 29, I woke up early with the strongest pressure pains I had had. I had an early OB appointment that morning because mom, dad and I were suppose to head to Grand Rapids to see Emily graduate from GVSU. I had been having very strong and constant Braxton Hicks contractions and mom thought it would be a good idea to get checked out to make sure it was safe to head to GR.

I was 3-4 cm dilated! My OB said I should probably stay close to home. I was sad that I would have to miss Emmy's graduation because she worked so hard, especially compared to me, at school.

When we got home, mom and I tried to time my contractions. We went on a walk to see if that would change things. It did make my contractions feel stronger and closer together. We also went into town and walked around the mall and again my contractions felt stronger. We decided to call my doctor and the hospital and get checked out.

At the hospital, they monitored my contractions and I was told I was up to at least 5 cm. They had me walk around the floor for an hour to see if things changed. I was admitted and given a room around 11 or so Friday night.

My oldest sister Katie was going to be coming up in a couple weeks to be there for Liam's birth but Liam had other plans :) Saturday, Emily came up from GR and Janah and Renee also joined my support team. My other sister Kelli also wanted to be there but she has two small children and wasn't sure about how things were going to work out. However, Kelli and Katie were able to be in the room via Skype!

I went as long as I could without any pain meds but eventually the contractions got the best of me. It took them 4 tries to get an IV in my arms, twice in each arm, then 3 tries plus two numbing shots for the epidural which numbed my right leg until the next afternoon. But it sure helped make the contractions more bearable! However, I ended up puking while using the exercise ball on my bed to get Liam to turn over... it was right after I had a popsicle... all liquid. I also puked during pushing... that one didn't feel so wonderful, mostly dry heaving :( But I didn't push long, 45 minutes to an hour and a half... I just remember it didn't seem long. I remember I felt so cruddy and kept my eyes closed most of the time and one of the nurses was annoying me because she kept adjusting Liam's heart monitor... I also remember my friends and family and the medical staff cheering me on and when his little head of hair began to show, my mom pulled my hand down and had me touch it. It felt so weird but such an amazing thing!

Finally, an 8#1oz, 20.5 inch, Liam Richard made it into the world at 11:48 pm on Saturday, April 30, 2011, 12 minutes before May! They put him on my chest but I couldn't see his face... I just remember thinking, "Wow, this little baby just came out of me! My baby!" The whole thing felt so surreal, still does! I guess his cord was around his neck, something I worried about the whole pregnancy! And he had about 50 cc of fluid sucked out of him, then he started his crying. It was good to finally hear him make sounds! They cleaned him up and finally brought him back to me.

It was truly love at first sight! I can't imagine anything I'd rather be than Liam Richard's mommy! :)

I have not updated this blog in a long time! My baby boy is now a year old! He is walking and jabbering and dancing and climbing and amazes me everyday! He is the light of my life! :)

He is starting to get interested in drinking from a cup (and/or even a bottle haha) and is trying new foods all the time. He had a slow start with eating solids because he had such a horrible gag reflex. That has improved greatly!

Ever since he was born, he had issues with blocked tear ducts. His left eye cleared up on its own but now that he is a year old, he is going to have a procedure done to unblock his right eye.

I had PLANNED to have him weaned from nursing by a year old but life happens! Another project I am "kind of" working on is getting him to sleep in his crib. I don't mind him sleeping next to me, but I know if I don't get him to sleep in his own bed now, its only going to get more difficult when he is older...

I will try to be better at updating this! He is the most amazing and wonderful thing to happen to me :)

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Six Months Old!

I can not believe he is already six months old! Time has never flown by so fast! He is so smart and strong. My heart melts every time he reaches out to me and smiles. It is so crazy how much changes when you have a baby. Before Liam, I was always looking for something to do. Now that I have this most precious blessing, I am perfectly content with staying home and snuggling all day and watching him grow and learn. He is getting so vocal, too! I recently got him a walker and he has got the pushing in reverse down pretty well :) He tries hard to crawl as well. I don' think it will be long until he accomplishes crawling or walking, or both! I never thought I could love someone so much! He is truly the best thing to ever happen to me. I am so glad God took mercy on me and blessed me with such an amazing little man. He has taught me so much and helped me become so much stronger. I love you Liam Richard!!!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Time is flying by!

I thought I had already wrote about the delivery of my little man but I guess I have to write again!

Liam Richard Brosier was born at 11:48 pm on Saturday, Apri

l 30, 2011. Twelve minutes before May... He was about three weeks early but came out at a whopping 8 lbs and 1 oz, 20.5 inches long! I was perfectly fine with him coming when he did :)

I went as long as I could without pain meds but the contractions eventually forced me to cave. It took them 4 tries to get an IV in my arm and then

when it came to the epidural, they poked me three times with the big needle and 2 times for numbing... But it did help tremendously!
They said I was in actual labor starting at 1 pm that day. Katie was suppose to be home for his birth but he came early so she wouldn't get to see him for a couple more weeks. Kelli had to watch her little brew but Emily was able to make it up and be part of my support team. Mom was there of course and having her by my side was such a blessing. I also had Janah and Renee, two great friends! And I know there are others who would have loved to be there. Thank you to everyone! :)

The pushing itself wasn't too bad. I think the contractions hurt

worse. I pushed from 45 minutes to an hour and a half, not sure which one haha When Liam began to crown, mom pulled my hand down and had me touch his little head :) It was so strange! I could feel his hair :)

I puked before the pushing, after my epidural. They had me rolling on a ball on the bed to try to get Liam to flip over so he was facing down. My legs were so numb and wobbly (my right one stayed numb until the next afternoon.) I had a popsicle and then a few minutes later puked it right up along with a bunch of other fluids. I again puked, or more dry heaved, during the pushing.
I ran a slight fever and when Liam came out, he was a little hot, too. He had a bunch of fluid that had to be sucked out so he could eventually cry. He sou

nded like a baby kitty :) When they placed him on me for the first time after he was out, I was thinking "Wow, this little guy was just in my belly and now he is here, he is all mine!" I didn't get to see his face until he was cleaned up. He was slightly jaundice but its all cleared up now. It was truly love at first sight. He is so perfect and never ceases to amaze me :)

At his first doc appt, the doc was very impressed with my little man :)

He is such a strong little guy. He lifts his head up and holds it up for periods of time and pushes his butt up in the air :) He has the most adorable smile! :)
He has been having trouble with spitting up though and gas but other than that, he is such an easy baby and barely cries. I am still trying to get him to like baths. Yesterday, he was not too happy about it and peed in the tub at the very end haha

I can't believe its been over a month since then!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Baby Shower!

Yesterday was Liam's baby shower :)

It was so wonderful seeing everyone! We are truly blessed to have so many caring and loving people surrounding us and supporting us!

He received so many nice things! He will be set for a while on diapers and clothes :) I can not wait to start dressing him in all those cute outfits!

That night, I could really feel the Braxton Hicks contractions and then when I finally laid down to sleep, I felt I really needed to throw up... and I did... alot. Which I thought was very strange because I have gone this long without dealing with the "morning sickness" and only threw up when I was actually sick. Sometimes I think I might not make it to my due date!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The beginning of the greatest chapter in my life!

On September 9, 2010, I found out I would become a mommy for the first time. I was feeling many emotions that day including shock, excitement, nervousness and surprise!

I was going to be a single mom and I felt like the black sheep of my family because I was the only unmarried sibling out of five kids. However, I knew my child would be loved no less than if I had been married to his father.

The most difficult part of the whole situation was telling my parents, but their reaction was nothing like I thought it would be. They hugged me and told me they would always be there for me and things were going to work out. I love my family!

On December 23, we learned that this little bean was a baby BOY! I had always wanted a boy first. I would have loved a girl just the same, but it was exciting to know that my dream came true and that I would be able to use the name that I had loved for a long time, Liam! I also wanted to start a family at 25, and that too was coming true!

Having several family and friends that have or are going through a similar situation as me has helped tremendously. And of course, my faith has kept me positive even when I felt nothing more could possibly go wrong.

My pregnancy has been pretty easy and tame. I have been lucky! I'm at the end of my 8th month now and I am finding that I am losing more sleep every night, but I know it will all be worth it when I get to hold my baby boy! I can already tell that I will miss feeling his little kicks and wiggles, even if they are in my ribcage :)